Version 20190520.01ER

June 7, 2019, Phoenix, AZ

Today, Chassi released a new, major feature, the Cycle Time Report. Other minor updates were released as well.

The new report is located in the “Metrics” portion of the “Customer Lifecycle." Users can find the new report once they open a process map. The new report is titled "Cycle TIme Report," and is located in the report menu of that page.

This report will provide you with cycle time and WIP metrics associated with a version or multiple versions of a given Lifecycle. Users can select specific date ranges and see how the process throughput is performing, or how steps are constrained if your goal is to keep the entity in the lifecycle as long as possible.

The report will provide the minimum, average and maximum cycle times for each of the steps, as well as show you how much load (WIP) those steps, took on during the selected time period.

There are a couple of additional graphs on the report to show actual WIP plotted over time as well as average cycle time for each step plotted against each other.

Use the Cycle Time report to identify constraints or bottlenecks and ensure your process is performing as expected. It is expected that users will first use the Lifecycle Trends report to see trends that are abnormal, and then use the Cycle Time report to narrow in on areas of concern to see what the WIP and Cycle Time were performing at in those periods.

Overall, the Cycle Time report is a valuable tool for process improvement, especially if you use methodologies like Lean and the Theory of Constraints to do process improvement.


  • added: Cycle Time Report
  • fixed: Entity Spy would not load in Lifecycle while in Spaces tab.
  • improved: Long Lifecycle names now have tooltip hover expansion when names are too long in Lifecycle picker.
  • fixed: In SCV, when navigating between pages, pages now load from the top instead of the position of the previous page.
  • fixed: Using the cancel option while editing a contact now takes you to the previous page instead of the contact index always.
  • fixed: Customer Contact addresses are fixed so they persist separately from contact addresses. This allows for the customer relationships to have specific mailing and shipping.
  • fixed: When adding a contact through the add customer flow, sometimes the address fields would not show up.
  • added: On the customer “Add” form, you can now create the external customer id with the data. External customer ID cannot be modified once added, unless you modify it directly through the API.
  • added: Created a Guide on how to use Entity Types with Journeys.
  • added: Created additional reference API documentation on managing Entity Types and External Entity Types.
  • added: Journey detail pages now show which entities are associated with the journey