Version 20190501.01
almost 6 years ago by Jeremy Wilson
Today, May 1st, 2019, we performed a minor release.
For more information on how to use Journey Entity Types and External Entity Types, we have published additional documentation:
Entity Types
External Entity Types
Using Entities with Journeys
Searching Journeys with Entity Identifiers
- improved: Drop downs and other areas that referenced Application Spaces now show them by their label instead of their system name for easier readability.
- fixed: The "Space" radio buttons in the event manager are fixed.
- improved: Lifecycle Entity Spy code samples have been updated to show create customer and create journey, with the new entity types.
- fixed: Fixed an issue whereby external entity type identifiers were being populated in both definitional and operational spaces differently.
- improved: You can no longer edit the system "name" property of an Application Space.
- improved: Added property specifiedEntityTypesOnly to /journey search and limit entity views to only display their requested entities