Version 20190621.01

June 24, 2019, Phoenix, AZ

Today, we released new functionality and a few enhancements.

Data Warehouse

Existing Tenants now have the ability to access their raw data, for use in tools like Looker, to further examine their journeys. We have made it possible to activate a data warehouse, which is turned off by default and can be turned on in the IAM & Admin Application Spaces feature.

Every operational application space now has an icon that can be clicked on to go to a "Manage" screen, and it is from this screen that you can enable the data warehouse and obtain your credentials for the connection.

Take note of the two schemas listed for the data warehouse. You will need to fully qualify the query params with those schemas.

We will have some documentation to follow up this release in the coming days. For now, if you have any questions, please consult with your Early Access Associate to get more information about exactly how to use the data warehouse and make it available as a tool as you move forward.


  • added: IAM & Admin Application Spaces has new "Manage" screen and functionality
  • added: Data Warehouse can be turned on for each Operational Application Space
  • fixed: When the Cycle Time report would get excessively used, it would generate an SQL exception
  • fixed: Customer now only requires a name to be added. Phone and email are no longer required.
  • fixed: Fixed an issue whereby a user could not change their password
  • broken: If you are logged into a Production Tenant and attempt to change your password, it will not work. Instead, switch to experiment for now until we fix it.